⭘ Shenzhen University - The Greater Bay Area In-novation Design Lab (The GBA Lab) is a pioneer in spatial research and design for the current GBA and for global urbanization. Founded by Dr.Doreen Heng LIU, Director/Academic Chair of the GBA Lab and Distinguished Professor at the School of Architectre and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University, the GBA Lab explores spatial innovation and the multiple posible solutions that are responses to front-line issues through cross-boundary and interdisciplinary approaches with design-orienter research methodology, com-bining esperimental design practices, teaching, ex-hibitions, publications, and academic conferences. It aims to become an engine that powers the sus-tainable development of architecture.
⭘ The Greater Bay Area Innovation Design Lab aims to become a world-leading research and design platform, to be the pioneer in addressing global urban poblems and exploring possibilities through practical research and design experiments
⭘ The Greater Bay Area Innovation Design Lab aims to become a world-leading research and design platform, to be the pioneer in addressing global urban poblems and exploring possibilities through practical research and design experiments
⭘ The Greater Bay Area Innovation Design Lab aims to become a world-leading research and design platform, to be the pioneer in addressing global urban poblems and exploring possibilities through practical research and design experiments
⭘ The Greater Bay Area Innovation Design Lab aims to become a world-leading research and design platform, to be the pioneer in addressing global urban poblems and exploring possibilities through practical research and design experiments
⭘ The Greater Bay Area Innovation Design Lab aims to become a world-leading research and design platform, to be the pioneer in addressing global urban poblems and exploring possibilities through practical research and design experiments