⭘ Dingfeng Sauce Garden, established in 1864, is located at the intersection of a typical water town street of Jiangnan and has witnessed the prosperous era of water transportation for over 150 years. With the rapid urbanization process, the water transportation economy has long since exited the historical stage, and the workshop-style production method of the water transportation era has become "out of date" compared to the efficient and fast-paced industrial era. Today, as central land resources rapidly shrink, the land and space where Dingfeng Sauce Garden is located become more precious and scarce. It carries a complete industrial memory of the water transportation era and is an important spatial research specimen in human geography.
⭘ Before Dingfeng Sauce Garden was completely relocated for new urban development, the "Urban Renewal Exhibition" were held here. The exhibition was curated by Doreen Heng LIU and participated by three architect teams: NODE Architecture & Urbanism (Hong Kong), Fab-Union & Archi-Union Architects (Shanghai), and Atelier Bow-Wow (Tokyo). They jointly participated in the transformation and creation of installations for the old factory buildings of the sauce garden. Through their respective site surveys, site selection, and design, the three groups presented three site specific architectural installations. The works express the unique insights of the three architect teams on the production history and space of Dingfeng Sauce Garden. We try to pay tribute to the classic spaces and workshop culture of the past through such design experiments.